1. RESET the result before generating the *.bit file First, open the Vivado FII_RISCV_V2.01 project (here, the V2.01 version is used as an example), as…
FII mainly uses Coremark and Dhrystone Benchmarks to evaluate the RISC-V3.01 CPU (Central Processing Units) performance on FII-PRX100-D(ARTIX-7, XC7A100T) XILINX FPGA Board (https://fpgamarketing.com/FII-PRX100-S-ARTIX-100T-XC7A100T-Xilinx-RISC-V-FPGA-Board-FII-PRX100-S-1.htm). Coremark has…
In computing, benchmarks are used to quantitatively measure the performance of the CPU. They are specially designed programs to run several iterations which includes specific…
1.Introduction Coremark has been EEMBC’s CPU evaluation standard since 2009. EEMBC (Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium) is a non-profit organization with members including Huawei, Intel, ARM and…