1. Read the timer interrupt register
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The exu_lsu module was introduced in the RISC-V LSU, SRAM, GPIO module (1) exu_lsu module before, which allows the RISC-V CPU to access the peripheral module. This article will introduce the submodule fii_timer_lsu under the exu_lsu module that was not mentioned before.
First, refer to the register definition related to timer interrupt on the FII RISC-V Address Map , as shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that there are timer control registers, low 32-bit and high 32-bit registers for timer values, and low 32-bit and high 32-bit registers for timer comparison values. The relevant read (load) code is in the exu_lsu module, see the following code:
Figure 1 Timer Interrupt Register
parameter [ 31: 0 ] TMR_BASEADDR = 32'h0200_0000//Timer interrupt register base address parameter wire t_sft_cs = ( i_D_PC[ 31: 16 ] == TMR_BASEADDR[ 31: 16 ] ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;//Timer related register chip select wire sft_cs = t_sft_cs & ( ( ~i_D_PC[ 12 ] ) & ( i_D_PC[ 5: 2 ] == 0 ) ); wire tm_ctrl_cs = t_sft_cs & ( ( ~i_D_PC[ 12 ] ) & ( i_D_PC[ 5: 2 ] == 1 ) );//timer control register chip select wire t_cs0 = t_sft_cs & ( ( ~i_D_PC[ 12 ] ) & ( i_D_PC[ 5: 2 ] == 2 ) );//low 32-bit register chip select of timer value wire t_cs1 = t_sft_cs & ( ( ~i_D_PC[ 12 ] ) & ( i_D_PC[ 5: 2 ] == 3 ) );//high 32-bit register chip select of timer value wire tcmp_cs0 = t_sft_cs & ( ( ~i_D_PC[ 12 ] ) & ( i_D_PC[ 5: 2 ] == 4 ) );//Lower 32-bit register chip select of timer compare value wire tcmp_cs1 = t_sft_cs & ( ( ~i_D_PC[ 12 ] ) & ( i_D_PC[ 5: 2 ] == 5 ) );//high 32-bit register chip select of timer compare value //According to the chip select signal, determine the register to be read wire [ 31: 0 ] ls_rb_d_t_sft = sft_cs ? o_sft_int_v : ( tm_ctrl_cs ? o_tm_ctrl : ( t_cs0 ? i_timer_l : ( t_cs1 ? i_timer_h : ( tcmp_cs0 ? o_tcmp_l : ( tcmp_cs1 ? o_tcmp_h : o_CPU_dout ) ) ) ) ); //According to the chip select signal, determine the register to be read wire [ 31: 0 ] ls_rb_d = mem_cs ? mem_dout : ( GPIO_cs ? rb_GPIO_d : ( UART_cs ? o_UART_dout : ls_rb_d_t_sft ) ); always@( * )//part of the code block is omitted begin if ( i_LOAD ) begin //&mem_init_rdy case ( i_load_instr ) // i_load_instr ={rv32i_lbu, rv32i_lb, rv32i_lhu, rv32i_lh, rv32i_lw}; 5'b00001: begin //rv32i_lw o_wb_data <= ls_rb_d; end 5'b00010: begin //rv32i_lh o_wb_data <= { { 16{ ls_rb_d[ 15 ] } }, ls_rb_d[ 15: 0 ] }; end 5'b00100: begin //rv32i_lhu o_wb_data <= { { 16{ 1'b0 } }, ls_rb_d[ 15: 0 ] }; end 5'b01000: begin //rv32i_lb o_wb_data <= { { 24{ ls_rb_d[ 7 ] } }, ls_rb_d[ 7: 0 ] }; end 5'b10000: begin //rv32i_lbu o_wb_data <= { { 24{ 1'b0 } }, ls_rb_d[ 7: 0 ] }; end default: ; endcase end
2. Write the timer interrupt register
The write (store) of the timer interrupt register is done in the fii_timer_lsu module. The corresponding register to be written is selected through the write enable signal introduced from the outer module exu_lsu, as well as various chip select signals. code show as below:
wire [31: 0] cpu_data_in = i_rs2_val << {i_D_PC[1:0],3'b000};//The cpu_data_in in the exu_lsu module is finally passed to i_sft_timer_din always@( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) if ( !rst_n )//reset begin o_tm_ctrl <= 0;//initial value o_sft_int_v <= 0; o_timer_l <= 0; o_timer_h <= 0; o_tcmp_l <= 0; o_tcmp_h <= 16'h8000; o_timer_valid <= 0; end else begin o_timer_valid <= 0; if ( i_tmr_sft_we )//write enable signal begin if ( i_tcs0 )//The low 32-bit register chip select of the timer value begin o_timer_l <= i_sft_timer_din;//Write into the lower 32-bit register of the timer value o_timer_valid[ 0 ] <= 1'b1; end if ( i_tcs1 )//The high 32-bit register chip select of the timer value begin o_timer_h <= i_sft_timer_din;//Write into the upper 32-bit register of the timer value o_timer_valid[ 1 ] <= 1'b1; end if ( i_tcmp_cs0 )//The low 32-bit register chip select of the timer comparison value o_tcmp_l <= i_sft_timer_din;//Write into the lower 32-bit register of the timer comparison value if ( i_tcmp_cs1 )//The high 32-bit register chip select of the timer comparison value o_tcmp_h <= i_sft_timer_din;//Write into the upper 32-bit register of the timer comparison value if ( i_tm_ctrl_cs )//Timer control register chip select o_tm_ctrl <= i_sft_timer_din;//Write into the timer control register end end