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RISC-V ALU and Branch Module(1)ALU Module

The ALU module of RISC-V is used to handle the instruction execution part. This module processes the instructions read by ITCM and the relevant information separated by the decoding module. In the process of processing, including assignment to 32 general-purpose registers, memory access to memory, changes to the pc pointer and so on. Related reference articles:

RISC-V teaching plan

  RISC-V cpu architecture:


ALU module code:

module exu_alu ( 
    input sys_clk, // system clock 
    input rst_n, 

    input [ 4: 0 ] i_rd_idx, // one of the 32 general-purpose registers specified by rd in the assembly instruction 
    input [ 31: 0 ] i_rs1_val, // in the assembly instruction The register value specified by rs1 

    input [ 31: 0 ] i_PC, // PC of the currently executing instruction 

    input i_OP_IMM, // op_imm instruction group 
    input i_LOAD, // load instruction group 
    input [ 8: 0 ] i_opimm_instr, // op_imm instruction group members: SRAI, SRLI, SLLI, ANDI, ORI, XORI, SLTIU, SLTI, ADDI 
    input [ 31: 0 ] i_I_imm, // I-type immediate data 

    input i_OP, // op instruction group 
    input [ 9: 0 ] i_op_instr, // members of op instruction group: SRA, SUB, SRL, SLL, XOR, OR, AND, SLTU, SLT, ADD 
    input [ 31: 0 ] i_rs2_val, // register value specified by rs2 in assembly instruction 

    input i_LUI, // LUI instruction
    input i_AUIPC, // AUIPC instruction 
    input [ 31: 0 ] i_U_imm, // U-type immediate 

    input i_JAL, // JAL instruction 
    input i_JALR, // JALR instruction 
    input [ 31: 0 ] i_J_imm, // J-type immediate Count 

    input i_STORE, // STORE instruction 
    input [ 31: 0 ] i_S_imm, // s-type immediate data 
    output o_J_vld, // jump valid 
    output [ 31: 0 ] o_J_PC, // jump to new PC 
    //output addition result to LOAD/STORE unit 
    output [ 31: 0 ] o_D_PC, // jump memroy fetched PC 

    output o_rd_wen, // write back enable 
    output [ 4: 0 ] o_wb_rd_idx, // write back rd register 
    output reg [ 31: 0 ] o_wb_data// write back data value

//================================================ ================================= 
//reg [31:0] wb_data_opimm; 
//reg [31:0 ] wb_data_op; 
//reg [ 31: 0 ] wb_data_LUI; 
//reg [ 31: 0 ] wb_data_AUIPC; 

wire [ 31: 0 ] opd1 = ( i_AUIPC | i_JAL ) ? i_PC : i_rs1_val; 

wire [ 31: 0 ] opd2 = ( { 32{ i_OP_IMM | i_JALR | i_LOAD} } & i_I_imm ) | 
                      ( { 32{ i_OP } } & i_rs2_val ) | 
                      ( { 32{ i_JAL } } & i_J_imm ) | 
                      ( { 32{ i_AUIPC } } & i_U_imm ) | 
                      ( { 32{ i_STORE } } & i_S_imm ) ; //the second operand; 

// rv32i_slti rv32i_slt 
wire [ 33: 0 ] ext_opd1 = ({i_opimm_instr[1],i_op_instr[1]} != 0) ? {opd1[31],opd1[31],opd1} : {2'b00, opd1};
wire [ 33: 0 ] ext_opd2 = ({i_opimm_instr[1],i_op_instr[1]} != 0) ? {opd2[31],opd2[31],opd2} : {2'b00, opd2}; 

wire [ 33 : 0 ] comp_opd2 = ~ext_opd2 + 32'b1; //2's complement 

//                               rv32i_sub   rv32i_sltiu, rv32i_slti rv32i_sltu, rv32i_slt 
wire [ 33: 0 ] comp_ext_opd2 = ({i_op_instr[8], i_opimm_instr[2:1],i_op_instr[2:1]} != comp_opd2 : ext_opd2; 

wire [ 33: 0 ] add_res = ext_opd1 + comp_ext_opd2; 

wire [ 31: 0 ] xor_res = i_rs1_val ^ opd2; 
wire [ 31: 0 ] or_res  = i_rs1_val | opd2; 
wire [ 31: 0 ] and_res = i_rs1_val & opd2; 
wire [ 31: 0 ] sll_res = i_rs1_val << opd2[ 4: 0 ];
wire [ 31: 0 ] srl_res = i_rs1_val >> opd2[ 4: 0 ]; 
//================================ ===================================================== 
/ / shift right arithmetic immediate x[rd] = ( x[rs1] >>s shamt) 
wire[ 31: 0 ] eff_mask = ( ~( 32'b0 ) ) >> opd2[ 4: 0 ]; 
wire[ 31: 0 ] sra_res = ( srl_res & eff_mask ) | ( { 32{ i_rs1_val[ 31 ] } } & ( ~eff_mask ) ); 

//wire [ 31: 0 ] sra_res = $signed(i_rs1_val) >>> opd2[ 4: 0 ]; 

//= ===================================================== =========================== 
always@( * ) 
    o_wb_data <= 32'b0; 
assign o_opimm_instr = { rv32i_srai, rv32i_srli , rv32i_slli, 
rv32i_andi, rv32i_ori, rv32i_xori, 
rv32i_sltiu, rv32i_slti, rv32i_addi };
    if ( i_OP_IMM ) 
    case ( i_opimm_instr ) //one hot decoder and execute 
    9'h001: //rv32i_addi 
        o_wb_data <= add_res[31:0]; 
    9'h002: //rv32i_slti 
        o_wb_data <= add_res[ 33 ] ? 32'b1 : 32'b0; 
    9'h004: //rv32i_sltiu 
        o_wb_data <= add_res[ 33 ] ? 32'b1 : 32'b0; 
    9'h008: //xori 
        o_wb_data <= xor_res; 
    9'h010: //rv32i_ori 
        o_wb_data <= or_res; 
    9'h020: //rv32i_andi 
        o_wb_data <= and_res; 
    9'h040: //rv32i_slli 
        o_wb_data <= sll_res; 
    9'h080: //rv32i_srli 
        o_wb_data <= srl_res; 
        o_wb_data <= sra_res;
    default: ; 

assign o_op_instr = { rv32i_sra, rv32i_sub, rv32i_srl, 
rv32i_sll, rv32i_xor, rv32i_or, 
rv32i_and, rv32i_sltu, rv32i_slt, 
rv32i_add }; 
//    if ( i_OP ) 
case ( i_op_instr ) //one hot decoder and execute h001: //rv32i_add o_wb_data <= add_res[31:0]; 10'h002: //rv32i_slt o_wb_data <= add_res[ 33 ] ? 32'b1 : 32'b0; 10'h004: //rv32i_sltu o_wb_data <= add_res[ 33 ] ? 32'b1 : 32'b0; 10'h008: //rv32i_and o_wb_data <= and_res; 10'h010: //rv32i_or o_wb_data <= or_res; 10'h020://rv32i_xor o_wb_data <= xor_res; 10'h040: //rv32i_sll o_wb_data <= sll_res; 10'h080: //rv32i_srl o_wb_data <= srl_res; 10'h100: //rv32i_sub o_wb_data <= add_res[31:0]; 10'h200: //rv32i_sra o_wb_data <= sra_res; default: ; endcase if ( i_LUI ) o_wb_data <= i_U_imm; if ( i_AUIPC ) o_wb_data <= add_res[31:0]; if ( i_JAL | i_JALR ) o_wb_data <= i_PC + 4; end / /==================================================== ============================= // wire rv32i_sub =o_op_instr[8]; // wire rv32i_sra =o_op_instr[9]; assign o_wb_rd_idx = i_rd_idx; assign o_rd_wen = i_OP_IMM | i_OP | i_LUI | i_AUIPC | i_JAL | i_JALR; assign o_D_PC = add_res[31:0]; assign o_J_PC = add_res[31:0]; assign o_J_vld = i_JAL | i_JALR; //= ===================================================== ============================= endmodule


Port description:

input sys_clk , // system clock 
input rst_n , 

input [ 4: 0 ] i_rd_idx , // one of the 32 general-purpose registers specified by rd in the assembly instruction 
input [ 31: 0 ] i_rs1_val , // specified by rs1 in the assembly instruction Register value 

input [ 31: 0 ] i_PC , // PC of the instruction currently being executed 

input i_OP_IMM , // op_imm instruction group 
input i_LOAD , // load instruction group 
input [ 8: 0 ] i_opimm_instr , // op_imm instruction group Members: SRAI, SRLI, SLLI, ANDI, ORI, XORI, SLTIU, SLTI, ADDI 
input [ 31: 0 ] i_I_imm , // I-type immediate 

input i_OP, // op instruction group 
input [ 9: 0 ] i_op_instr , // op instruction group members: SRA, SUB, SRL, SLL, XOR, OR, AND, SLTU, SLT, ADD 
input [ 31: 0 ] i_rs2_val , // The register value specified by rs2 in the assembly instruction is 

input i_LUI , // LUI instruction 
input i_AUIPC , // AUIPC instruction 
input [ 31: 0 ] i_U_imm , // U-type immediate data 

input i_JAL , // JAL instruction 
input i_JALR , // JALR Instruction 
input [ 31: 0 ] i_J_imm , // J-type immediate data 

input i_STORE , // STORE instruction 
input [ 31: 0 ]i_S_imm , // s-type immediate data 
//======================================== ========================================= 
output o_J_vld , // Jump valid 
output [ 31: 0 ] o_J_PC , // jump to new PC 
//output addition result to LOAD/STORE unit 
output [ 31: 0 ] o_D_PC , // jump to memroy fetched PC 

output o_rd_wen , // write back to enable 
output [ 4: 0 ] o_wb_rd_idx , // write back the rd register 
output reg [ 31: 0 ] o_wb_data   // write back the data value

The operation (execution) of all RISC-V instructions is less than or equal to two operands. (Instructions with greater than two operands, which have been discussed in the riscv standard, are not currently implemented.)


nop instruction, addi x0, x0, 0 two operands

x[rd] = x[rs1] + x[rs2], with only two operands,

x[rd] = x[rs1] + imm has only two operands.

So in an ALU operation: there are at most two operands.

wire [ 31: 0 ] opd1 = ( i_AUIPC | i_JAL ) ? i_PC : i_rs1_val;

wire [ 31: 0 ] opd2 = ( { 32{ i_OP_IMM | i_JALR | i_LOAD} } & i_I_imm ) |
                                      ( { 32{ i_OP } } & i_rs2_val ) |
                                      ( { 32{ i_JAL } } & i_J_imm ) |
                                      ( { 32{ i_AUIPC } } & i_U_imm ) |
                                      ( { 32{ i_STORE } } & i_S_imm ) ; //the second operand;

In opd1 (operand 1), sorting out the RISC-V instruction set, we will find that only when (AUIPC, JAL), the PC will be used, and in other cases (other instructions) can only be the value of rs1.

In opd2 (operand 2):

When the instruction is OP_IMM , instruction group, JALR, LOAD instruction group, I_imm will be used;  

When the instruction is the OP instruction group, rs2_val will be used;  

When the instruction is a JAL instruction, J_imm will be used;  

When the instruction is an AUIPC instruction, U_imm will be used;  

When the instruction is the STORE instruction group, S_imm will be used;  

Under a specific clock, only one of these instructions will be decoded, and there will not be a situation where multiple instructions are valid at the same time.


Arrange operands 1, 2:

// rv32i_slti rv32i_slt
wire [ 33: 0 ] ext_opd1 = ({i_opimm_instr[1],i_op_instr[1]} != 0) ? {opd1[31],opd1[31],opd1} : {2’b00, opd1} ;
wire [ 33: 0 ] ext_opd2 = ({i_opimm_instr[1],i_op_instr[1]} != 0) ? {opd2[31],opd2[31],opd2} : {2’b00, opd2};

Extend the operand to 34 bits, that is, 32-bit operand + carry bit + sign bit. slti, slt need sign extension, other instructions are considered positive.


Negative operation:

wire [ 33: 0 ] comp_opd2 = ~ext_opd2 + 32’b1; //2’s complement

Make operand 2 negative, equivalent to comp_opd2 = – ext_opd2;


// rv32i_sub rv32i_sltiu, rv32i_slti rv32i_sltu, rv32i_slt
wire [ 33: 0 ] comp_ext_opd2 = ({i_op_instr[8], i_opimm_instr[2:1], i_op_instr[2:1]} != 0) ? comp_opd2 : ext_opd2;

If the current instruction is sub, sltiu, slti, sltu, slt, the operand needs to be negative, other instructions do not.


Addition operation:

wire[33:0] add_res = ext_opd1 + comp_ext_opd2;    

XOR operation:

wire[31:0] xor_res = i_rs1_val ^ opd2;

or operation:

wire [ 31: 0 ] or_res = i_rs1_val | opd2;

with operation:

wire [ 31: 0 ] and_res = i_rs1_val & opd2;

Logical left shift operation:

wire [ 31: 0 ] sll_res = i_rs1_val << opd2[ 4: 0 ];

Logical right shift operation:

wire [ 31: 0 ] srl_res = i_rs1_val >> opd2[ 4: 0 ];

Arithmetic right shift operation:

wire [ 31: 0 ] eff_mask = ( ~( 32’b0 ) ) >> opd2[ 4: 0 ];
wire [ 31: 0 ] sra_res = ( srl_res & eff_mask ) | ( { 32{ i_rs1_val[ 31 ] } } & ( ~eff_mask ) );

Equivalent to sra_res = i_rs1_val >>> opd2[4:0];


assign o_rd_wen = i_OP_IMM | i_OP | i_LUI | i_AUIPC | i_JAL | i_JALR;

These instructions require writing back to 32 general purpose registers.


assign o_J_vld = i_JAL | i_JALR;

When it is JAL, JALR instruction, J_vld needs to enable



Posted in FPGA, RISC-V, RISC-V Textbook, Textbook and Training Project

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